Ask any nutrition or fitness expert and they’ll agree that getting healthier starts with your eating habits. You can run 20 miles a week, lift weights and get 8 hours of sleep every night (which are all great to do too!). But if you’re eating poorly, you’ll have a more difficult time reaching your health goals.

The food (and drinks) we consume fuel our bodies—make sure you’re fueling yours with premium nutrients. Nutrition is about more than reading food labels and avoiding treats. Eating a nutritious, balanced diet can impact your weight and chronic condition management, skin, energy levels, sleep schedule and long-term health.

Over the next few months, we’ll share our Teladoc Health Home Cook Series. We’ll cover topics like health equity, skin health, social wellness, healthy aging and emotional wellness, all through the lens of nutrition. Our new video series shows you how to easily integrate healthy ingredients into your daily meals and snacks. You don’t need to overhaul your entire dietary lifestyle, throw away all your desserts or stick to restrictive meal plans. With a few small changes, we can all eat better.

Looking for more information about how to eat better? Make an appointment with one of our registered dietitians today!

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Published on August 3, 2023