Primary Care offers long-term, whole-person care by phone or video with a board-certified primary care provider (PCP). They take the time to really get to know you and work with you to manage your whole health, from physical to mental and everything in between.

Virtual primary care may seem unusual or even a little confusing. We like to think when you have your first Primary Care visit, you’ll feel right at home (because you can be).

Think of it as virtual-first primary care. So, in-person care when it’s needed and virtual when it’s not. Still not sure what that means? No problem.

Let’s go through what you can expect from your first visit. You just might find that you’re more familiar with it than you think.

Before your visit

You’ll choose a PCP who’s right for you. Then, you’ll fill out your medical history so your new PCP can get familiar with you and your health. You’ll also receive a Welcome Kit with a blood pressure cuff (which is yours to keep). You’ll use it to track your blood pressure readings for visits.

What we’ll discuss during your visit

Every minute matters when it comes to your health. Your first Primary Care visit will last about 45 minutes. This time allows your provider to really get to know you and your needs.

You’ll go over your health history and any concerns you may have. Based on your conversation, your PCP will work with you to find areas you can improve on. Together, you’ll create a care plan that works best for you to help you achieve your goals.

Follow-up care

If needed, you’ll get prescriptions, lab work and referrals to in-person specialists. Your Care Team of registered nurses, medical assistants and Care Coordinators will help coordinate any in-person care that’s needed. This ensures you will have the help you need to find and schedule care. Your Care Team will also make sure that your PCP gets your results and handles any necessary follow-up care.

If questions come up, you can also message your Care Team at any time to get the answers you need.

Schedule a Primary Care visit today

You shouldn’t wait until you’re sick to schedule a Primary Care visit. In fact, the goal of preventive care is to keep you healthy. Regular wellness visits provide services, counseling, screenings and examinations that help find any potential issues for early intervention and reduce health risks.

If it’s been more than a year since you’ve seen a doctor, or even if you’re looking for a new primary care doctor, Primary Care can help.

Schedule my visit

Wondering if Primary Care is right for you? See all the ways Primary Care can help.

Primary Care is a benefit covered by major health plans and employers. Your access to Primary Care may vary depending on your benefit plan.


Published November 8, 2022