Remember when you were a child and spent hours outside playing with your friends? The games were simple–hide-and-seek, jump-rope, hopscotch, keep away, tag and more. You were so engaged and having so much fun that your name may have been called several times when it was time to come in. These are the feelings to keep in mind when looking for physical activities that bring you joy as an adult.

Figure out what works for your body and incorporate that into your routine. The movements that brought you joy as a child could still make you feel good. That feeling is a goal to aim for when looking for joyful movement.

Before you start any new exercise routine, talk to your doctor to make sure it’s safe.

Make it fun 

Everyone enjoys different types of movement. You get to define what gives you pleasure. This can be walking your pet, playing with your kids or grandkids, gardening or dancing. What about tai chi, hula-hooping or double-Dutch jumping? As long as you raise your heart rate and can stick with it, it works.

Do it with a buddy 

Joyful movement is even more fun and meaningful when you do it with someone else. Having a partner keeps you accountable, and you encourage each other. As the saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work.

Add mindfulness 

Adding mindfulness can help reduce stress and provide relaxation. When doing joyful movements, take it all in. Pay attention to your surroundings, find your breath and be aware of how you are feeling. The result of doing this may be surprisingly satisfying.

Joyful movement improves your mental and physical health by giving you more energy, improving sleep and lowering stress.What are some of the movements that bring you joy?

Talk to a doctor

Walking is one of the best ways to keep active. Challenge yourself over four weeks to improve your fitness.

Published August 23, 2023


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